Provide trees and shrubs with an all-natural product which effectively harness the forces of nature. MYKE TREE & SHRUB delivers superior growing results. MYKE expands trees and shrubs life span and accelerates transplant recovery.
Myke Tree & Shrub is certified organic by the Organic Material Review Institute.
Every time you plant or transplant a tree, shrub and hedge.
Exceptions: Blueberries and rhododendrons cannot be colonized by the fungus in MYKE TREE & SHRUB.
- 1.5 L : Treats 12 gallons or up to 12 plants
- 4 L – 16 cups : Treats 32 gallons or up to 32 plants
- Natural fine granular carrier (perlite and peat), efficient on both broad-leaf trees and evergreens.
- MYCORRHIZAE Types: endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae
- Ensures abundant flowering
- Reduces watering needs
- Enhances rapid growth development
Mycorrhizae create a network that increases the plant’s ability to absorb more nutrients and water from the soil, such as phosphorus, copper, and zinc. This network of fine filaments associates with plant roots and draws nutrients and water from the soil that the root system would not be able to access otherwise.
- When planting trees and shrubs, spread MYKE at the bottom and on the sides of the hole. For hedges, use 125 ml (1/2 cup) to 250 ml (1 cup) of MYKE for every linear meter (yard), depending on the width of the furrow, 30 cm (1 ft) to 60 cm (2ft) respectively.
- For best results, be sure that the roots are in contact with MYKE.
- Store at room temperature between 2°C – 20°C and keep away from intense heat or freezing.
*Results obtained from independent plant growth trials. Individual growth results may vary to a degree. Additional results and details are available.

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